9. Precedence and Order of Evaluation
Operators on the same line have the same precedence; rows are in order of decreasing precedence.
– ++, –, (cast), sizeof have the highest priority
– *, /, % have higher priority than +, -
– ==, != have higher priority than &&, ||
– assignment operators have very low priority
Use () generously to avoid ambiguities or side effects associated with precedence of operators.
– y=x*3+2                      /* same as y=(x*3)+2 */
– x!=0 && y==0              /* same as (x!=0) && (y==0) */
– d= c>=’0’&& c<=’9’      /* same as d=(c>=’0’) && (c<=’9’) */
Table. Precedence and Associativity of Operators
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