11. Void Pointers and Function Pointers
11.1 Void Pointers
C does not allow us to declare and use void variables.
void can be used only as return type or parameter of a function.
C allows void pointers
Question: What are some scenarios where you want to pass void pointers?
void pointers can be used to point to any data type
int x; void ∗p = &x;          /∗ points to int ∗/
float f; void ∗p = &f;        /∗ points to float ∗/
void pointers cannot be dereferenced. The pointers should always be cast before dereferencing.
void ∗p; printf ("%d", ∗p); /∗ invalid ∗/
void ∗p;
int ∗px = (int ∗)p; printf ("%d", ∗px); /∗ valid ∗/
11.2 Function Pointers
In C, function itself is not a variable. But it is possible to declare pointer to functions.
Function pointers can be assigned, pass to and from functions, placed in arrays etc.
Question: What are some scenarios where you want to pass pointers to functions?
Declaration examples:
int (∗fp )(int)                 /∗ notice the () ∗/
int (∗fp )(void∗, void∗)
Example: Function Pointer
/* The four arithmetic operations ... one of these functions is selected at runtime with a swicth or a function pointer */
float plus (float a, float b) { return a+b; }
float minus (float a, float b) { return a-b; }
float multiply(float a, float b) { return a*b; }
float divide (float a, float b) { return a/b; }
void switch(float a, float b, char opCode)
    float result;
        case '+' : result = plus(a, b);           break;
        case '-' : result = minus(a, b); break;
        case '*' : result = multiply(a, b);      break;
        case '/' : result = divide (a, b);        break;
    printf(“%f\n”, result);

/* Solution with a function pointer */
void switch_pointer
          (float a, float b, float(*pt2func)(float, float))
    float result = pt2func(a, b); /* call using function pt */
    printf(“result=%f\n”, result);

/* Execute example code */
void switch2()
    switch(2, 5, ‘+’);
    switch_pointer(2, 5, &minus);}
11.3 Callback
Definition: Callback is a piece of executable code passed to functions. In C, callbacks are implemented    by passing function pointers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* The calling function takes a single callback as a parameter. */
void PrintTwoNumbers(int (*numberSource)(void))
    printf("%d and %d\n", numberSource(), numberSource());

/* One possible callback. */
int overNineThousand(void)
    return (rand() % 1000) + 9000;

/* Another possible callback. */
int fortyTwo(void)
    return 42;

/* Here we call PrintTwoNumbers() with three different callbacks. */
int main(void)
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