2. Variable Names
There are some restrictions on the names of variables and symbolic constants.
2.1 Naming Rules
Variable names can contain letters, digits, and ‘_’. The underscore ‘_’ is sometimes useful for improving    the readability of long variable names.
Variable names should start with letters. The under score ‘_’ counts as a letter. However, don’t begin    variable names with underscore, since library routines often use such names.
Keywords (e.g., for,while etc.) cannot be used as variable names
Variable names are case sensitive. int x; int X declares two different variables.
Traditional C practice is to use lower case for variable names, and all upper case for symbolic    constants.
At least the first 31 characters of an internal name are signification.
For function names and external variables, the number may be less than 31, because external names    may be used by assemblers and loaders over which the language has no control.
For external names, the standard guarantees uniqueness only for 6 characters and a single case.,    ‘abcdefg’ is identical to ‘abcdefh’.
2.2 Name Convention

  There are three kinds of naming conventions: underscore notation, cammelCase, and Hungarian notation.
underscore notation
– Delimit separate words with the underscore as the subtraction infix.
– ex. “two words” is represented as “two_words”.
– This convention is commonly used in C.
– Indicate word boundaries using medial capitalization. The first letter of a camel-case compound may    or may not be capitalized.
– ex. “two words” is represented as “twoWords”.
– This convention is commonly used in Java, C#, Visual Basic, and some language (such as Mesa,    Pascal, Modula, Java, Google SOC's Python recommendations, and Microsoft's .NET).
Hungarian notation
– The name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use.
– Examples
bBusy, fBusy : boolean (b for bool, f for flag)
chInitial : char
cApples : count of items
dwLightYears : double word (systems)
nSize, iSize : integer,
uSize, lSize: unsigned integer, long
wSize, dwSize: WORD(unsigned short), DWORD(unsigned long)
dbPi : double
pFoo : pointer
aulColors : array of unsigned long (systems)
szLastName : zero-terminated string
strName: CString variable
m_XXXX: member variable
Is the following naming right?
– int money$owed (    )
– int total_count (    )
– int score2 (    )
– int 2ndscore (    )
– int long (    )
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