2. Scope Rules
2.1 Storage Classes
Every variable and function in C has two attributes: type and storage class. The four storage classes are automatic, external, register, and static, with corresponding keywords
 auto    extern    register    static
Scope Rules is the region in which a variable is valid.
2.2 Internal Variables vs. External Variables
Internal variables (= local variable)
– Internal variables are defined inside of any function.
– Declarations of variables within blocks are implicitly of storage class automatic.
External variables
– External variables are defined outside of any function, and are thus potentionally available to many    functions.
– Functions themselves are always external, because C does not allow functions to be defined inside    other functions.
– When a variable is declared outside a function, storage is permanently assigned to it, and its storage    class is extern.
  Example: global variable vs. local variable
#include <stdio.h>

int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;            /* global variables */
int my_sum(void);

int main(void)
     printf(“%d\n”, my_sum());  /* What is printed? */
     printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, a, b, c);

int my_sum(void)
     int b, c;                /* local variables */
     a = b = c = 4;       /* global b, c are masked */
     return(a + b + c);

  Example: external variable
In file main.c

#include <stdio.h>

int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;            /* external variables */
int my_sum(void);

int main(void)
     printf(“%d\n”, my_sum());  /* What is printed? */
     printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, a, b, c);

In file my_sum.c

int my_sum(void)
     extern int a;          /* look for it elsewhere */
     int b, c;                /* local variables */

     a = b = c = 4;       /* global b, c are masked */
     return(a + b + c);
  Note: Definition vs. Declaration
Note the distinction between a variable definition, which sets aside storage for the variable, and an    extern declaration. The latter says: "This function uses an external variable with such-and-such a name    and type that is defined elsewhere.”
That is, the distinction between a definition and a declaration is to the memory allocation for the    variable.
Interval variable
– int x;      /* variable declaration, NO memory allocation */
– x = 0;     /* Here, the memory will be allocated */
External variable
– int x;      /* variable definition with memory allocation because the variable is automatically set
   as 0 */
2.3 Static Variables
static keyword has two meanings, depending on where the static variable is declared.
Outside a function, static variables/functions only visible within that file, not globally (cannot be    extern’ed). External static thus provides a way to hide names to others.
Inside a function, static variables:
– are still local to that function
– are initialized only during program initialization
– do not get reinitialized with each function call
   Example: static variable
void f(void)
    static int cnt = 0;
    printf(“cnt = %d\n”, cnt);
The first time the function is invoked, the variable cnt is initialized to zero. On function exit, the value    of cnt is preserved in memory. Whenever the function is invoked again, cnt is not reinitialized.
2.4 Static External Variable
The difference is that static external variables are scope-restricted external variables. The scope is the    remainder of the source file in which they are declared. Thus, they are unavailable to functions    defined earlier in the file ore to functions defined in other files.
   Example: static variable
void f(void)
      .....        /* v is not available here */
static int v;
void g(void)
     .....         /* v is not available here */
/* A family of pseudo random number generators. */
#define INITIAL_SEED            17
#define MULTIPLIER              25173
#define INCREMENT              13849
#define MODULUS                65536
#define FLOATING_MODULUS 65536.0

static unsigned seed = INITIAL_SEED;
/* external, but private to this file */

unsigned rani(void)   /* return a random sequence */
     return seed;

double ranf(void)      /* return a floating value [0, 1] */
     return (seed/FLOATING_MODULUS);
2.5 Register Variables
A register declaration advises the compiler that the variable in question will be heavily used. The idea    is that register variables are to be placed in machine registers, which may result in smaller and faster    programs. But compilers are free to ignore the advice.
Only a few variables in each function may be kept in registers, and only certain types are allowed.    Excess register declarations are harmless
int f(register unsigned n, register char c)
    register int x;
Register Variables
– During execution, data processed in registers
– Explicitly store commonly used data in registers – minimize load/store overhead
– Can explicitly declare certain variables as registers using register keyword
must be a simple type (implementation-dependent)
only local variables and function arguments eligible
excess/unallowed register declarations ignored, compiled as regular variables
– Registers do not reside in addressed memory; pointer of a register variable illegal
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